- Can You Wear Floral In The Fall? - YES!
21:48Iako su po prirodi cvetni dezeni namenjeni letnjem i prolecnom perodu, zbog svoje lepote i sarenila mogu se nositi i u ovo sumorno jesenje doba. Današnja bluza na meni je sa sajta Dresslily i kao i uvek prezadovoljna sam. Ja obično nosim S veličinu i ova i jeste u S veličini ali mi je baš baš taman, tako da ako ste građe kao ja, savetujem ipak možda M veličinu.
S obzirom na to da dizajneri ruše sva pravila, pa će tako cvetni dezen vladati modnom scenom tokom jesenjeg i zimskog perioda, prodavnice su već preplavljene odećom sa ovim printom.
Moju možete pronaći ovde: Floral Printed Off The Shoulder Blouse
Although floral patterns are by nature intended for summer and springtime, because of their beauty and color, they can be worn in this gloomy autumn season. Today's blouse on me is from Dresslily's site and as always I'm pleased. I usually wear S size and this one is in S size but she is a little small to me so if you are a builder like me I would recommend M size.
As designers break all the rules, and so the floral pattern will rule the fashion scene during the fall and winter, shops are already flooded with clothing with this print.
You can find mine here: Floral Printed Off The Shoulder Blouche
Ne bih ja bila ja kada ne bih poručila po koju torbicu, tako da sam ovaj stajling upotpunila i sa ovom crnom torbicom sa istog sajta, a više o njoj možete pogledati ovde:
It wouldn't be me if I didn't order one purse, so I complemented this styling with this black purse from the same site, and you can find more about it here:
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