Kada sarađujete sa određenim modnim sajtovima, ono što je sigurno jeste to da ćete robu dobiti za minimum mesec dana i to će najbolje razumeti blogerke koje rade isti posao kao i ja. Ono što me je veoma iznenadilo ovaj put jeste sajt ELEGRINA i saradnja sa njima, jer je paket stigao za neverovatnih 7dana. To je mogu reći čudo i prvo što moram da pohvalim jeste brzina. Što se tiče toga su odlični i sve pohvale!
Pošto se bliži leto, odlučila sam se za papuče koje su udobne, praktične i idealan izbor za leto uz neke lepršave bele haljine (bar ja tako zamišljam da nosim). Super mi je što su skroz ravne, jer mislim da je mučenju stopala na visokim potpeticama odavno došao kraj.
Kvalitet im je odličan, pa se zbog toga nadam da će mi trajati dugo. Ja sam ih za sad ukombinovala sa crvenom torbicom i ovom belom kombinacijom, šta vi mislite?
When you are working with some fashion sites, what is sure is that you will not
get the packet in a month and that will understand bloggers who are doing the
same job as me. What really surprised me this time is the ELEGRINA website and
cooperation with them, because the package arrived for incredible 7 days. It's miracle,
I can say, and the first thing I have to praise is speed of the shipment, they
are excellent!
As the summer approaches, I have decided for slippers that
are comfortable, practical and ideal choices for the summer with some
fluttering white dresses (at least I imagine that I will wear it). I'm so happy
they are all-right, because I think that the trembling of feet on high heels
has come to the end.
Their quality is excellent, so I hope it will last a long
time. I have now combined them with a red purse and this white combination,
what do you think?